FDA Disclaimer Situation
“The information in this post about essential oils is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. According to the FDA, only drugs can make those types of claims, which these products on our website are not.” You’ll likely be seeing this disclaimer on my posts when I write about our products. We use essential oils in our soaps, and there’s a good reason for that. Most essential oils are plant based, and I feel better about using them than fragrance oils, when we can. My hands are a little tied when it comes to talking about the benefits of essential oils. I could literally be fined…
Big Changes!
Spring will be arriving for real this weekend! We had blizzard conditions last Friday night, but this Saturday we are expecting highs in the 60s. That’s the first big change. The second has a bit of a story to be told. March 6th, Kyle’s almost 30 year employment with Xerox ended. He has decided to take a hiatus from the job world and focus on home. This means that we have made A Tiny Homestead into an official business (our name now has the letters LLC attached to it). Not only will we continue to offer our CSA farm shares, but we will be selling our produce and wildflower bouquets…